When you have financial problems it can turn your life upside down. Financial problems cause anxiety and stress. One of the worst and most problematic financial problems is when you cannot make your mortgage payments. Failing to make mortgage payments over a period of 3 months or more can result in the financial institution that holds the mortgage on your home bringing a foreclosure lawsuit. Foreclosure is the bringing of a lawsuit for purposes of the financial institution reclaiming the ownership of the home. In the end, if the financial institution is successful in the foreclosure proceeding, they can evict the homeowners from their home.
Under Water Homes
Many homeowners bought their homes in the years 2002 through 2008 when home prices were rising. Many of the homes facing foreclosure today are worth less than the amount of money due and owing on the mortgages.
Fighting Foreclosure Lawsuits
A foreclosure lawsuit is initiated by the attorneys for the bank filing, in the County Clerk’s office in the County where the home is located, a Summons and Complaint in Foreclosure. Simultaneously with filing the Summons and Complaint in the County Clerk’s Office, the financial institution also files a Lis Penden which notifies anyone who conducts a title search the house is now involved in a foreclosure lawsuit. After the summons and complaint is filed with the county clerk’s office, the attorney for the financial institution hires a process server who serves the summons and complaint on the homeowners. The summons and complaint can be served personally on the homeowners, by nailing it to the door and mailing it to them, and/or by serving a person of suitable age and discretion at the homeowners residence or principal place of business. So, what do you do if you are served with a summons and complaint?
Foreclosure Defense Lawyers
There are attorneys who have extensive experience in litigating foreclosure lawsuits. Foreclosure lawyers can explain the process to you. They can investigate and see whether the financial institution that is suing you actually has the right to sue you. They can look into whether Truth in Lending Laws were complied with. They can investigate as to whether New York Laws concerning the assignment of mortgages and the execution of affidavits related to the foreclosure lawsuit have been properly undertaken. Homeowners are consumers and there are consumer protection laws in the State of New York and Federal Laws that protect homeowners from unfair practices by financial institutions.
Mortgage Modification
Many homeowners apply for mortgage modifications get rejected and assume that there is nothing that can be done. That is not correct. The first stage of a foreclosure lawsuit is the attendance by the financial institution and the attorney for the homeowner at a foreclosure court conference. At this time, pressure can be brought on the financial institution of cooperate and to act in good with regard to the underwriting of a mortgage modification application. Even if the homeowner has been turned down in the past, the homeowner can file a new mortgage modification at no cost as part of this process.
Procedural Defenses
There are a number of procedural defenses that can be raised in a foreclosure lawsuit by a sophisticated foreclosure defense lawyer. The writer understands that the homeowner actually received the money and purchased the house. This does not prevent the homeowners from protecting their legal rights under Federal and State consumer protection laws with regard to unfair banking procedures, fraudulent foreclosure practices and being defrauded regarding misleading documents.
Don’t despair. If your home goes into foreclosure, hire the right lawyer and you may be able to stay in your home longterm!