The United States government has gone into the Federal District Court in New York City requesting Bank of America pay $863.6 million dollars in monetary damages related to fraudulent activities concerning defective mortgages which were sold by Countrywide Financial Services in 2008. It is claimed Bank of America defrauded Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, government controlled mortgage companies, with regard to the sale of loans purchased from Countrywide in 2007 and 2008. These mortgage loans generated $1 billion dollars in losses.
The Hustle
The case filed in United States District Court in Manhattan claims Countrywide operated a program called high speed swim lane or HSSL, nicknamed the “Hustle”. The Hustle program was set up to provide financial incentive for employees to make as many loans as possible. The program eliminated many underwriting requirements to ensure loans met minimum standards. The government’s position is penalties are necessary “to send a clear and unambiguous message that mortgage fraud for profit will not be tolerated” stated Judge Jed S. Rakoff, who presided over the trial in this matter. The amount of the penalties requested is based on the losses Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac incurred.
Elliot Schlissel, Esq. is a foreclosure attorney representing homeowners concerning mortgage modifications and foreclosure litigation.