Rent to Buy Scams
A common foreclosure scam involves individuals approaching a homeowner whose home is in foreclosure and offering to have them refinance the home at a much lower interest rate. Unfortunately, the way this scam works is the homeowner is presented with documents that involve the transfer of the deed from the homeowner to the alleged foreclosure counseling company. The homeowner eventually finds out that he or she does not own their home and is now renting their home from the alleged foreclosure counseling company. Eventually the counseling company brings an eviction proceeding to evict the homeowner from their home and they thereafter try to sell the property or bring another rent paying tenant into the property.
The rent to buy scams also sometimes involve the tricking of the homeowner into signing documents that are presented to be applications for a home loan. However these applications actually are documents utilized to transfer the title of the property. Homeowners should be especially wary of signing any type of blank forms. In this type of scam the scammer presents a blank form to the homeowner and says “don’t worry we will fill it out and work with the bank to obtain a lower interest loan.” When the form is eventually filled out it turns out to be a document transferring title to the house.
Hire Attorneys Experienced in Defending
Homeowners In Foreclosure Lawsuits
The best way to ensure you are not being scammed and that your rights are being protected is to hire an attorney with a significant background in real estate and foreclosure defense matters to represent you with regard to foreclosure related issues concerning your home. When you hire a qualified attorney, you should request that you receive copies of all documents and paperwork in your file to make sure that the attorney is doing all that is necessary to protect your rights and interests.
Elliot Schlissel is an attorney with more than 45 years of experience representing clients in real estate related legal matters. Elliot and his team of attorneys have one of the busiest foreclosure defense law firms in the Metropolitan New York area. Elliot helps his clients stay in their homes, obtain mortgage modifications and take all other necessary actions to avoid losing their homes in foreclosure.