Your Loan Modification Was Denied!
This is not the end of the world. To start with, even if your loan modification was approved, they may not have modified your loan to the point where you can afford to make the payments. If your loan modification is denied, you must litigate the foreclosure lawsuit. After submitting an Answer with affirmative defenses and countersuing the bank, you have an opportunity to make discovery demands upon the bank. You can request documents, financial records and other information from the bank with regard to the processes, procedures and what was involved in initiating the mortgage, having the financial documents moved from one bank to another, and bank policies and procedures. This will give you more information with regard to defending your lawsuit.
Banks can be sued within their foreclosure proceedings. This is called countersuing the bank. In the foreclosure lawsuit, the bank must present testimony and documentary evidence to support their claims. It is not uncommon for litigated foreclosure lawsuits to take three to five years to get through the court system.
Does Foreclosure Mean You Are Losing Your Home?
The answer to this is no! The foreclosure lawsuit is the start of a process by a financial institution to take back the home. If proper Answers with affirmative defenses and counterclaims are filed and discovery demands are made, the banks can be put on the defensive. No one is going to show up at your house and force you out into the street. The purpose of the foreclosure proceeding is for the bank to obtain a court order to sell your home. This is not an easy process. It takes a long time to get through the legal system. Using an experienced foreclosure defense lawyer can give you the security of knowing you will not be forced out of your home in the short run. Before a bank can take your home, they must get through your foreclosure defense law firm. I can tell you this is not an easy thing to do if you are represented by the right lawyer.