When buying a home, prospective purchasers need to look at all of the factors involving the home. They should not be overly focused on the most attractive details of their prospective purchase. Sometimes prospective purchasers fall in love with the kitchen or the bathrooms. While an attractive kitchen and modernized bathrooms are important, there are other factors to be taken into consideration when purchasing a home.
The Home’s Condition
Before purchasing a home, every prospective purchaser should hire an engineer for the purpose of looking into the heating system, plumbing system, electrical system, checking that the roof doesn’t leak, and looking into the structural integrity of the house. The engineer should be especially careful to look into whether the house has drainage issues and/or whether it floods in heavy rainstorms.
Location, Location, Location
Before purchasing a house you should drive around the house’s neighborhood. You should look into how far the house is from schools, public transportation, and stores. Purchasing a house in an area that has an excellent school district adds value to the house and will help your children advance in their lives and careers.
The amount you will be paying each year for school taxes and real estate taxes should be a significant factor in making a decision as to whether this is the right home for you. Unfortunately, taxes usually go up. You should take into consideration how much the taxes in this area have risen in the last few years and plan to pay higher taxes in the future on the home.
Are there businesses, factories or other circumstances nearby the prospective home that will cause either a noise, pollution or general type of nuisance for you?
Home’s History
Some people are very superstitious about buying a home where individuals died or were murdered in. If this is an issue for you, you should look into the history of who owned the home and what happened to those former homeowners.
Meeting Your Needs
Lastly and most importantly, the home must meet your needs. Are there enough bedrooms? Will there be enough space in the home? Above all, can you really afford this home?
Elliot S. Schlissel, Esq., for more than 45 years has been representing homeowners with regard to the purchase and sale of single family homes. In addition, Elliot and his aggressive associates fight foreclosure lawsuits, help their clients obtain mortgage modifications, and are well known foreclosure lawyers.